31 research outputs found

    Open Loop Rate-Distortion Optimized Audio Coding

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    This paper addresses complexity reduced rate-distortion optimized audio coding under rate constraint. A technique where distor-tion minimizing coding templates, chosen from a set of templates, are jointly selected for a set of segments. This optimization re-quires knowledge of rate-distortion pairs for all segments, and for each coding template, which often are costly to obtain. The pro-posed framework exchanges true rate-distortion pairs with pre-dicted ones, thereby allowing for complexity reduction. The pre-diction is based on a property vector extracted for each segment, from which distortion predictions, using Gaussian mixture mod-els, are performed. Here, we evaluate the proposed framework in a sinusoidal coding context. The results show that the proposed framework can increase the distortion performance, compared to a fixed sinusoidal coding scheme. 1

    Low Complexity Rate-Distortion Optimized Time-Segmentation for Audio Coding

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    Quantization, Perception and Speech Coding:PhD Thesis

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    Companded quantization of speech MDCT coefficients

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    On Split Quantization of LSF Parameters

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    Time evolution in LPC spectrum coding

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    Hantering av köpessymaskiner pÄ VSM Group

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    Sammanfattning Syftet med detta arbete Ă€r att undersöka huruvida man pĂ„ Viking Sewing Machines (VSM) skall sköta hanteringen av de symaskiner som företaget köper in frĂ„n leverantörer i fjĂ€rran östern. Skall företaget inom egna lokaler sköta lagerhanteringen eller skall de fortsĂ€tta som i dagslĂ€get med att företaget Schenker hanterar lagerhĂ„llningen? Det hĂ€r Ă€r en intressant frĂ„gestĂ€llning men samtidigt en komplex sĂ„dan. Det finns flera aspekter att ta hĂ€nsyn till innan man kan komma till ett beslut. Det krĂ€vs ett grundligt arbete med prognosplanering, t.ex. pĂ„ grund av de lĂ„nga ledtiderna som motsvarar 3-4 mĂ„nader. Det hĂ€r Ă€r viktigt för att kunna hĂ„lla en hög leveransservice mot kund dĂ„ det periodvis sker svĂ€ngningar i försĂ€ljningen. Handeln med symaskiner Ă€r kraftigt sĂ€songsbetonad, med ett uppsving under vinterhalvĂ„ret. För att kunna hĂ„lla en ledande stĂ€llning pĂ„ marknaden under rĂ„dande konkurrensklimat har VSM tvingats att förĂ€ndra i produktstrukturen, dĂ€r de enklare maskinerna Ă€r pĂ„ vĂ€g bort frĂ„n den egna produktionen. Kvar finns de mer avancerade maskinerna med imponerande datorkraft som klarar av de mest avancerade sömnader och mönster. Maskiner som tagits bort frĂ„n den egna produktionen har ersatts med ”billiga” köpesmaskiner frĂ„n leverantörer i fjĂ€rran östern, för att kunna konkurrera i segmentet av enklare symaskiner. Den hĂ€r förĂ€ndringen har resulterat i att det Ă€r mer ekonomiskt att outsoursa verksamheten till sĂ„ kallade lĂ„glönelĂ€nder. Vi har utfört en sĂ„ kallad fallstudie, dĂ€r underlaget för arbetet bestĂ„r av primĂ€r och sekundĂ€r informationsinsamling. Det hĂ€r har gjorts för att kunna samla in de olika data som Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga för att besvara vĂ„r frĂ„gestĂ€llning och komma fram till ett beslutsgrundande resultat. Den primĂ€ra informationsstudien bestĂ„r av resultatet av de intervjuer som gjorts pĂ„ företaget och den sekundĂ€ra datainsamlingen bestĂ„r av litteratursökning. Vi har rĂ€knat ut hur stor del av lagret som dessa köpesmaskinerna kommer att ta upp och detta har vi gjort genom att pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt berĂ€kna sĂ€kerhetslager och det totala maxilagret. Rapporten visar att lĂ€gga ut lagerhanteringen pĂ„ en utomstĂ„ende part medför en extra kostnad. Resultatet av studien Ă€r utformad sĂ„ att kostnaden att ha maskinerna ”hemma” Ă€r jĂ€mförd med kostnaden att ha maskinerna pĂ„ Schenker. UtrĂ€kningar visar att det Ă€r vĂ€sentligt dyrare för företaget att lagerhĂ„lla hos den utomstĂ„ende parten. VSM har ett automatiserat system och pĂ„ Schenker tillkommer det hanteringskostnader dvs. kostnader för in- och uttag utöver hyra av lager. Skillnaderna i att ha maskinerna pĂ„ brĂ€tt i VSM:s lager Ă€r alltsĂ„ betydligt billigare jĂ€mfört med att ha dem pĂ„ pall hos Schenker. Att lagerhĂ„lla maskinerna ”hemma” skulle ocksĂ„ medföra en rationalisering av hanteringen dĂ„ maskinerna skall sĂ€ljas och pallarna skall packas om till respektive adress. Att i VSM:s lager ha maskinerna i datasystemet och i ett redan fungerande packningssystem tar alltsĂ„ bort den arbetsbörda som tillkommer med att ha dem pĂ„ Schenker. De siffror som inte tagits i beaktning Ă€r de investeringskostnader som krĂ€vs för att göra införandet av maskinerna möjligt. Problemformuleringen Ă€r som sagt tidigare komplex och för att ett beslut skall kunna tas mĂ„ste man bedöma helheten och inte endast se till en kostnadspost. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför svĂ„rt att utifrĂ„n endast resultatet av denna rapport kunna fĂ€lla ett 100% beslut.Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate how the company Viking Sewing Machines (VSM) should handle the storing of its sewing machines bought from the Far East. Should VSM continue to store the machines in assistance with Schenker, or should the company handle the process by itself and store the machines in its own warehouse. This question is interesting at the same time as it is complex. There are several aspects to consider prior to a decision can be made. It demands a thorough forecast planning, due to the three to four months long lead-time from the Far East. The company needs to consider this aspect carefully in order to keep a high quality delivery service during the sale fluctuations. The trade with sewing machines is highly dependent on the season, with increasing sales during the winter. To be able to maintain the leading position on the market VSM has been forced to make changes in its structure of products, where the simpler machines have been taken away from the production. The advanced machines are still produced by VSM, these machines have an impressive capacity that manages the most advanced sewing and patterns. The machines that have been taken away from production have been replaced with low-priced machines traded from the Far East. This change has resulted in that parts of VSM’s production are outsourced to low paid countries. We have conducted a case study, and our information consists of primary and secondary data. This study is done in order to collect data that is necessary for answering our research questions, and find a result for a decision. The primary data consists of the results received during the interviews, and the secondary data are based on the literature study. We have done calculations of how much of the space in the warehouse will be occupied by the trading machines, calculating safety-stock and the total warehouse has attained this. The study illustrates that by using an external part that handles the warehouse will result in increased costs for VSM. The result of the study is accomplished by comparing the cost of having the machines at “home” to the cost of using Schenker. The calculations demonstrate that it is much more expensive for VSM to make use of an external part. VSM has a fully automation system and at Schenker costs of handling the machines will be added, these costs consists of input and output of the products, besides the cost of renting the warehouse. The differences of having the machines on shelves, so-called “brĂ€tt”, at VSM are therefore considerably beneficial. It would also lead to a rationalization when handling the machines when they are sold and the pallets are to be loaded to respective dispatch note. At VSM the machines are registered in the computer system and they already have a functional packing system. The numbers that the report not have bin taken in consideration are the investment costs that are required for making the introduction of the machines at VSMÂŽs warehouse possible. The problem are as said earlier a complex decision variable and to make a decision you have to estimate the global approach and not only to one cost unit. It is therefore from only this report hard to come by a 100% resolution

    Hantering av köpessymaskiner pÄ VSM Group

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    Sammanfattning Syftet med detta arbete Ă€r att undersöka huruvida man pĂ„ Viking Sewing Machines (VSM) skall sköta hanteringen av de symaskiner som företaget köper in frĂ„n leverantörer i fjĂ€rran östern. Skall företaget inom egna lokaler sköta lagerhanteringen eller skall de fortsĂ€tta som i dagslĂ€get med att företaget Schenker hanterar lagerhĂ„llningen? Det hĂ€r Ă€r en intressant frĂ„gestĂ€llning men samtidigt en komplex sĂ„dan. Det finns flera aspekter att ta hĂ€nsyn till innan man kan komma till ett beslut. Det krĂ€vs ett grundligt arbete med prognosplanering, t.ex. pĂ„ grund av de lĂ„nga ledtiderna som motsvarar 3-4 mĂ„nader. Det hĂ€r Ă€r viktigt för att kunna hĂ„lla en hög leveransservice mot kund dĂ„ det periodvis sker svĂ€ngningar i försĂ€ljningen. Handeln med symaskiner Ă€r kraftigt sĂ€songsbetonad, med ett uppsving under vinterhalvĂ„ret. För att kunna hĂ„lla en ledande stĂ€llning pĂ„ marknaden under rĂ„dande konkurrensklimat har VSM tvingats att förĂ€ndra i produktstrukturen, dĂ€r de enklare maskinerna Ă€r pĂ„ vĂ€g bort frĂ„n den egna produktionen. Kvar finns de mer avancerade maskinerna med imponerande datorkraft som klarar av de mest avancerade sömnader och mönster. Maskiner som tagits bort frĂ„n den egna produktionen har ersatts med ”billiga” köpesmaskiner frĂ„n leverantörer i fjĂ€rran östern, för att kunna konkurrera i segmentet av enklare symaskiner. Den hĂ€r förĂ€ndringen har resulterat i att det Ă€r mer ekonomiskt att outsoursa verksamheten till sĂ„ kallade lĂ„glönelĂ€nder. Vi har utfört en sĂ„ kallad fallstudie, dĂ€r underlaget för arbetet bestĂ„r av primĂ€r och sekundĂ€r informationsinsamling. Det hĂ€r har gjorts för att kunna samla in de olika data som Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga för att besvara vĂ„r frĂ„gestĂ€llning och komma fram till ett beslutsgrundande resultat. Den primĂ€ra informationsstudien bestĂ„r av resultatet av de intervjuer som gjorts pĂ„ företaget och den sekundĂ€ra datainsamlingen bestĂ„r av litteratursökning. Vi har rĂ€knat ut hur stor del av lagret som dessa köpesmaskinerna kommer att ta upp och detta har vi gjort genom att pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt berĂ€kna sĂ€kerhetslager och det totala maxilagret. Rapporten visar att lĂ€gga ut lagerhanteringen pĂ„ en utomstĂ„ende part medför en extra kostnad. Resultatet av studien Ă€r utformad sĂ„ att kostnaden att ha maskinerna ”hemma” Ă€r jĂ€mförd med kostnaden att ha maskinerna pĂ„ Schenker. UtrĂ€kningar visar att det Ă€r vĂ€sentligt dyrare för företaget att lagerhĂ„lla hos den utomstĂ„ende parten. VSM har ett automatiserat system och pĂ„ Schenker tillkommer det hanteringskostnader dvs. kostnader för in- och uttag utöver hyra av lager. Skillnaderna i att ha maskinerna pĂ„ brĂ€tt i VSM:s lager Ă€r alltsĂ„ betydligt billigare jĂ€mfört med att ha dem pĂ„ pall hos Schenker. Att lagerhĂ„lla maskinerna ”hemma” skulle ocksĂ„ medföra en rationalisering av hanteringen dĂ„ maskinerna skall sĂ€ljas och pallarna skall packas om till respektive adress. Att i VSM:s lager ha maskinerna i datasystemet och i ett redan fungerande packningssystem tar alltsĂ„ bort den arbetsbörda som tillkommer med att ha dem pĂ„ Schenker. De siffror som inte tagits i beaktning Ă€r de investeringskostnader som krĂ€vs för att göra införandet av maskinerna möjligt. Problemformuleringen Ă€r som sagt tidigare komplex och för att ett beslut skall kunna tas mĂ„ste man bedöma helheten och inte endast se till en kostnadspost. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför svĂ„rt att utifrĂ„n endast resultatet av denna rapport kunna fĂ€lla ett 100% beslut.Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate how the company Viking Sewing Machines (VSM) should handle the storing of its sewing machines bought from the Far East. Should VSM continue to store the machines in assistance with Schenker, or should the company handle the process by itself and store the machines in its own warehouse. This question is interesting at the same time as it is complex. There are several aspects to consider prior to a decision can be made. It demands a thorough forecast planning, due to the three to four months long lead-time from the Far East. The company needs to consider this aspect carefully in order to keep a high quality delivery service during the sale fluctuations. The trade with sewing machines is highly dependent on the season, with increasing sales during the winter. To be able to maintain the leading position on the market VSM has been forced to make changes in its structure of products, where the simpler machines have been taken away from the production. The advanced machines are still produced by VSM, these machines have an impressive capacity that manages the most advanced sewing and patterns. The machines that have been taken away from production have been replaced with low-priced machines traded from the Far East. This change has resulted in that parts of VSM’s production are outsourced to low paid countries. We have conducted a case study, and our information consists of primary and secondary data. This study is done in order to collect data that is necessary for answering our research questions, and find a result for a decision. The primary data consists of the results received during the interviews, and the secondary data are based on the literature study. We have done calculations of how much of the space in the warehouse will be occupied by the trading machines, calculating safety-stock and the total warehouse has attained this. The study illustrates that by using an external part that handles the warehouse will result in increased costs for VSM. The result of the study is accomplished by comparing the cost of having the machines at “home” to the cost of using Schenker. The calculations demonstrate that it is much more expensive for VSM to make use of an external part. VSM has a fully automation system and at Schenker costs of handling the machines will be added, these costs consists of input and output of the products, besides the cost of renting the warehouse. The differences of having the machines on shelves, so-called “brĂ€tt”, at VSM are therefore considerably beneficial. It would also lead to a rationalization when handling the machines when they are sold and the pallets are to be loaded to respective dispatch note. At VSM the machines are registered in the computer system and they already have a functional packing system. The numbers that the report not have bin taken in consideration are the investment costs that are required for making the introduction of the machines at VSMÂŽs warehouse possible. The problem are as said earlier a complex decision variable and to make a decision you have to estimate the global approach and not only to one cost unit. It is therefore from only this report hard to come by a 100% resolution